3 Key Considerations Before Buying Rigging Eye Bolts

Posted on: 29 March 2022

If you've decided to use eye bolts on your site's rigging operations, then you need to choose the right products for your needs. Not all bolts will suit all rigging applications and loads. Given the pivotal weight-bearing and safety role these products play, it's vital to get things right here.

What do you need to think about before you choose which bolts to buy?

1. Weight Loads

The weight of the loads you'll rig affects the types of bolts you need to use. Eye bolts come in different sizes. Typically, the longer the bolt, the more weight it can hold.

Don't buy any rigging bolts until you know your weight capacities. Make sure to match your needs with the bolt's listed load limit. If in doubt, it's often better to buy products with a higher weight-bearing capacity than you actually need to give yourself some wiggle room.

2. Rigging Angles

If all your lifts will be straight, then you can generally use regular eye bolts. These bolts work well if you lift in straight lines.

However, if you might angle your loads at any point, then regular bolts might not be the best choice. If the bolt twists during a load, then it might break or bend. You shouldn't load these bolts from an angle or use them at an angle if that will put undue stress on them.

If your rigging includes angled scenarios, then you need more sophisticated products. For example, a shoulder eye bolt can work at slight angles without bending or breaking. These bolts also work well on straight lifts. So, if you have any doubts, go with this kind of option to be on the safe side.

3. Environmental Factors

If you'll use rigging eye bolts outdoors or in places where they might be exposed to moisture or other substances, then you need to factor environmental conditions into your choice of product.

For example, regular steel rigging bolts might not fare well over time if they work outdoors. Rain could corrode the metal and make it rust. Corroded bolts aren't safe to use and also won't last as long as they should.

For optimum protection and a longer working life, look for products made from stainless steel or ones with a galvanised coating. Stainless steel doesn't corrode; galvanised coatings protect their underlying metal from corrosion and rust damage.

For more advice on getting the right equipment for your rigging needs, contact industrial rigging suppliers.
