Looking to Hire a Forklift? Here Are 3 Important Safety Tips for You

Posted on: 20 November 2018

On construction sites, no industrial equipment is more perfectly suited for lifting and moving materials and items over short distances and through short heights than forklift machines. If you're looking into forklift hire for a particular construction job, you'll need to think about forklift safety. Like other heavy construction equipment, forklifts can be potentially dangerous to operate, so prioritising safety is vital when using the equipment.

There are many preventative steps you can take to ensure the safety of everyone involved in your forklift operations. After all, it's always best to be safe than sorry when it comes to safety.

Here are some important safety tips to follow when operating forklift equipment.

1. Use of qualified forklift operators

Forklift training and licensing is vital for ensuring forklift safety rules and guidelines are followed when the equipment is being used. Some of the things that qualified forklift operators will do to ensure safe forklift operation include:

  • Maintaining a safe distance from ground personnel and other mobile equipment
  • Ensuring the load is properly secured before moving it to prevent falling objects
  • Warning others of their coming with flashing headlights or a siren
  • Ensuring the load is properly balanced to prevent the equipment from tipping over

Only operators who meet forklift training and licensing requirements may operate the equipment.

2. Use of appropriate personal protective equipment

All those involved in forklift operations must wear the right personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE should be used as the last line of protection against potential hazards that may arise at the workplace. Forklift users must do their best to identify and possibly eliminate as many hazards as possible to prevent accidents. 

Some common types of PPE that forklift operators and other personnel involved in forklift operators may need to wear include hard hats, safety glasses, seatbelts, safety vests and more.

3. Pre-operation checks

Forklift users must inspect their equipment before embarking on work. If any problems are detected, they should inform their dealer immediately. The dealer can send a maintenance team over to fix the problem or replace the equipment for you.

If you start working with faulty equipment, you dealer can think you caused the problem and refuse to perform the necessary repairs. 

Sticking to safety rules and guidelines when operating forklift equipment is vital for ensuring the safety of forklift drivers and other personnel working with or around them, but also for minimising workplace accidents that may cause property damage and hurt your reputation. So, you should take no chances when it comes to ensuring forklift safety.
